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Grounding October 28

Grounding October 28

Regular price €22,00
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Date: October 28
Time: 4:00-4:30 PM

There are only a few people who are really well grounded. This is generally because there have been moments in life that have been very painful. And at those moments the subconscious has decided to pull the energy field up, to protect itself. You can then do grounding exercises, which only work when you are doing them and as soon as you are focused on something else, the field flies up again. What does work? What does work is energetic clearing, clearing the beliefs and fears that prevent you from landing. Make sure that your system feels clean and safe again, so that you end up in a warm bath within yourself. And that is what this session can do for you. It starts this process that you are going through with yourself. It energetically clears the beliefs and conditioning, so that you feel safe again in and with yourself. You can participate in this session as often as feels good for you. Give yourself a new, fresh start! Give yourself the very best!

How does it work:
Step 1: You register
Step 2: You will receive an email with additional information
Step 3: You sit or lie down comfortably and receive the energy that I channel for you to your energy system. I get to see your energy field and we first balance it before the energy can flow properly. And then I pass the energy on to you, this is done with the help of your name.
Step 4: You will receive an email with the findings of the evening

Maximum 20 persons.

Please note!; This is not a replacement for treatment by a GP and/or specialist. Therefore, always visit a doctor or specialist. You are at all times responsible for participating in this meeting.

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